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Distance Participation

The First Canadian National Undergraduate Bioethics Conference Organizing Committee is happy to offer another possibility for participation by post-secondary institutions from across Canada, as well as the United States.

While we would prefer that students and schools pool their resources to send a representative to the conference, we acknowledge that this is not always feasible financially or due to schedule constraints. Therefore, we are offering a limited number of 'distance participation' webcast connections to the conference proceedings. However, to maintain the integrity of the conference, schools interested in participating via 'distance participation' must meet the following criteria:

  • Schools must demonstrate student interest, by having a minimum of 10 students register using the online registration form, including the required essay question response. Students registering for distance participation should state so after the name of their institution. e.g. - St. Francis Xavier University (Distance Participation)
  • In addition to having the above number of students register online, the students or school must then forward the registration fees* for these students payable to the St. F.X.U. BioethiX Society. Upon receiving the appropriate registration fee amount, whether in lump sum or separate cheques, the corresponding post-secondary institution will be awarded a 'distance participation' webcast.

Once a post-secondary institution is awarded a 'distance participation' webcast, a student from the host university will be appointed as a 'representative' on their behalf. For more on the role and function of a 'representative', please click here. Students participating via 'distance participation' webcast will then be able to submit questions during keynote addresses to be asked on their behalf by their appointed 'representative' during subsequent question periods.

Again, we emphasize that physically sending a representative to the conference is preferred, but we are pleased to offer this service to those schools for which it is not possible. There are also a limited number of 'distance participation' webcast connections for professionals, who must also follow the above criteria, but they would register 5 professionals instead of 10.

*For schools West of the Eastern Standard Timezone, please note: as the morning keynote addresses would take place at 7am or earlier, it is not likely that students will be able to participate at such an early time. Therefore, we offer a third possibility, which is to follow the steps for 'distance participation' qualification above, but registration fees will be half the normal cost as your school will only actively participate in half of the conference's keynote addresses.
A student from the host university will still be appointed on your behalf, and you will essentially have the option of watching the conference in reverse - participating in the afternoon sessions in the morning (in your timezone), and then watching a prerecorded version of the morning sessions. If your school is interested in this option, please have your students include '1/2' before (Distance Participation) in their online registrations. e.g. - St. Francis Xavier University (1/2 Distance Participation)

If students or professionals have questions about 'distance participation', please direct them to

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