Submission of Essay Question ResponsesTo register for the conference, participants are asked to submit a response to the question "What do you consider the most pressing bioethical question today, and why?". Responses may be up to 1000 words in length, and the most efficient approach is to type it beforehand, and "copy and paste" it into the appropriate field on the online registration form. Please be aware that essay question responses will lose all formatting other than line breaks. If you are unfamiliar with Bioethics, or are not sure what you consider to be a pressing contemporary bioethical issue, please feel free to check out the Bioethics for Beginners section at If you are still having trouble with the question, feel free to contact us at for additional resources, or assistance. In submitting your registration, you give your implicit consent that essays be reproduced by the First Canadian National Undergraduate Bioethics Conference Organizing Committee, as deemed appropriate for the purposes of this conference. However, participants retain all copyrights to such submissions, and may reproduce them or submit them elsewhere. The 20 most outstanding essays, as judged by the First Canadian National Bioethics Conference Organizing Committee, will be placed in a printed compendium. The compendium shall be distributed to conference participants, and an electronic version will also be placed on the conference website after the event. Tip: Essays will be evaluated on quality over quantity; therefore a response of several meaningful sentences is prefered over a response of several paragraphs with the same amount of meaningful content. Conference HomepageSt. Francis Xavier University WebsiteWeb Hosting provided by FireProof Solutions © 2002-2003, St. Francis Xavier University BioethiX Society |